
Posts uit januari, 2021 tonen

WSL2: Linux on Windows 10

With this post we are talk about WSL2, Linux on Windows, Windows Terminal and more Are you looking to run a terminal session for your WSL2 Linux operating system, use Linux on Windows or just want to play around? Continue reading! For this post we are using the following software: Windows 10, version 20H2 Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, version 2004.2020.812.0 Windows Terminal, version 1.4.3243.0 Docker Desktop, version 3.0.4 with WSL 2 What is WSL2 WSL stands for Window Subsystem for Linux, so it can run Linux on directly Windows. Yes we could do this already with VMWare or Virtualbox, but with support of WSL2, we can run it without the traditional overhead of a virtual machine or dualboot. With the release of WSL 2, they have increased the pe...

Android and SonarQube with code coverage

With this post we are going to walkthrough how to setup SonarQube with code coverage for a Android project. During this walkthrough we make use of the following system and software: Android Studio, version 4.1.1 Gradle, version 6.5 JDK / java, java 15.0.1 2020-10-20 JaCoCo, version 0.8.6 SonarQube, version 8.5.1 SonarQube scanner, version 2.7.1 Example Android project For this walkthrough there is an example project based on the template Navigation Drawer Activity where we added a data class with some unit tests in This project is available on GitHub project with all code already inside! All important code changes can be found in below gradle files: Project

Setup SonarQube with Docker

With this post we are going to walkthrough how to setup SonarQube using Docker. During this walkthrough we make use of the following system and software: Windows 10, version 20H2 Docker Desktop, version 3.0.4 with WSL 2 SonarQube, version 8.5.1 Install Docker Docker desktop can be downloaded from , after downloaded Docker Desktop Installer.exe run it and follow the instructions. If request to install and configure WSL2, follow the instructions. After the installation you are ready to start Docker for the first time. Probably a shortcut is added to your desktop, else you can find it in the default location C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Docker Desktop.exe . When starting Docker for the first time it can take a while before...